Thursday, November 10, 2011

Back to Square one....

Since my last update things have started happening again. Last night was Kervens first night back at the orphanage and we ended up traveling out there late last night because Kervens was seizing again. This is the first time I actually have witnessed these seizures and my heart is breaking in two. I have prayed and cried and rubbed his little body and prayed and cried some more. The medical team that is here that are such a huge part of Kervens life was also called in....This morning as I am arriving here, I have learned he is seizing again this morning. I prayed before I left my room this morning that God might be glorified thru myself and Kervens today....I have no idea what lies ahead of me in the next few hours....but I  am heading out in complete faith that God has this day and all of us in it....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It has been a good day, Tues. blog on Wed. morning....

Kervens went to Therapy this morning aided by his walker and he left without it. In fact he was running, actually running around the concrete courtyard. Please keep in mind, at the same time yesterday, he was being held up just to get him into the home where the therapist was. now I know this guy is probably a very fine therapist, possibly one of the best...but...he is no miracle worker...What I have just witnessed is nothing short of a miracle and do know THAT Miracle Worker. I have been praying, along with several others that God would allow Kervens a full recovery...And He has.

Today I met Saidah(Si e dah)...She looks Haitian but is American and lives in Hawaii. She is 69 years old and is coming over here to help Madame B. (88yrs old) open a girls home. Saidah is a mighty prayer warrior...that is very obvious, and jan you would love love love her. She has been praying for young Samuel since she first met him a few weeks ago. Samuel is the little 4 1/2 lb baby who has the inoperatable brain tumor living at the orphanage. Saidah prays for a full recovery and believes with every ounce of her being that God is going to honor that prayer...Those are the kind of prayers I believe God DOES honor, those sent up to Him thru the blood of Christ with not a shred of doubt attached to them. Again, I believe, if time would permit, I have found yet another kindred spirit. Those people make my heart smile, just being around them gives me the feeling I am in the presense of a great man or woman of faith. Saidah went to the orphanage this morning to spend the day holding little Samuel and know doubt to send up a few more prayers for him. Kervens stayed there also to translate for Madame Aristilde and Saidah. Kervens' heart was singing too, based on the huge smile on his face, just to be back home, walking wherever he wanted without the aide of anyone or anything.

Tomorrow is one more therapy session for Kervens and quite possibly afterwards he will return back to the orphanage, back to school and back to a normal 13yr. old life. This is just one more chapter in this young mans amazing life. What a story... I hope God allows me to live long enough not to see how the story ends but to see where this journey continues to take him.....

Monday, November 7, 2011

But Mary Kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart...Luke 2:19

This verse ran thru my mind this afternoon when we got back from the therapist and the orphanage. There is so much going on in my heart right now... I am still processing it in my mind. I can't even put alot of it into words yet, at least into words that would make sense to anyone reading this...maybe after I am through with the processing part. So for now, I too am keeping all these things and pondering them in my heart....

The therapist was not sure what was wrong with Kervens...He said there is strength in his legs but it is like a misfire between his brain and his legs right now. HE has Kervens walking with a walker and he gave him a list of exercises todo each day. Even by afternoon Kervens could see a difference in his walking ability. He still has to think to make his knee lock into place with each step. He never complains or shows discouragement with what he is going thru . He is in a bed across the room from me asleep. He is quite a young man and we had an opportunity to talk this afternoon more seriously than we normally do. I keep trying to learn more about him, about his past and the path that God has had him on that lead him straight into my path. I shared with him about Diego, Drew and Issac, about Chase, the Angricks and the Rangers and of course the Roberts. We talked about the network of people God has already placed in his life in his very short 13 yrs. Again such a tapestry...

I have been praying for the last couple of weeks that God would bring Kervens to us quickly- but instead He chose to bring me back here. It is I who still has so much to learn...One thing I am beginning to realize as I listen and observe is the need to quit praying for God to bring him to us quickly and start praying 'in your perfect time Lord'. Haitis is Kervens home by God's design and the path He has had Kervens on  has brought many people into his life. People whom he has bonded with and whom he has grown to love very very much...Pastor and Madame Aristilde are at the very tip top of that list. He has close sibling ties to those children that live with him in the orphanage. To pray quickly would be to rip or tear him apart from those bonds...but Gods perfect time would be a gentle seperation, after heart and mind had been made ready to let go for what I am convinced will only be for a season.

This week I have witnessed God's answer to a specific prayer...I know He is here with me. He is teaching me and in the long quiet hours in my room I am finding time to read, pray and time for meditation...I am finding time to write...something that should make my hussband extremely happy. No phones, or tv's or computers( until much later tonight when I blog what I am writing right now)... there is no house to clean or laundry to do...just time....time for some soul searching aloneness with God.

Last night, I read the following and felt it perfect to share with you now.

"These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and Hedges: there they dwelt with the King for His work." 1 Chronicles 4:23

  Anywhere and everywhere we may "dwell" with the king for his work. We may be in a very unlikely and unfavorable place for this: it may be in a literal country life, with little enough to be seen of the 'goings' of the King around us; it may be among the hedges of all sorts, hindrances in all directions; it may be furthermore, with our hands full of all manner of pottery for our daily task.
  No Matter! The King who placed us 'there' will come and dwell there with us; the hedges are right, or He would soon do away with them. And it does not follow that whata seems to hinder our way may not be for its very protection; and as for the pottery, why, that is just exactly what He has seen fit to put into our hand, and therefore it is, for the present, "His Work"

   Go back to thy garden-plot, sweetheart!
      Go back to the evening falls,
   And bind thy lilies and train thy vines,
      Till for thee the Master calls.

   Go make thy garden fair as thou canst,
      Thou workest never alone;
   Perhaps he whose plot is next to thine
      Will see it and mend his own"

The colored sunsets and starry heavens, the beautiful mouontains and the shining seas, the fragrant woods and painted flowers, are not half so beautiful as a soul that is serving Jesus out of love, in the wear and tear of common, unpoetic life.

We truly serve an amazing God.....

UPDATE: I just returned a few moments ago from an unexpected run with Cathy back to the orphanage. A young boy around the age of 7 was just dropped off at Rodney and Cathys house. His father has died, his mom is dying and he has been taken away from a grandmother that was not caring for him. Madame Aristilde has once again opened her heart and home and has taken in yet another child. We left him a heap at her feet crying. This was a very hard night on Cathy...she has made a decision altimately for his good, he is just to young to understand this. I whispered to Kervens, " You are going to have to build a big orphanage," as that is what God has laid on his heart to do...He replied, "It just keeps getting bigger".....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am here....

Saturday...............I am here. The trip from PortAu Prince to Gonaive took longer than the trip from the states to Haiti. I was anxious to get Kervens here with me-but I am not so sure tonight he was as anxious to leave the orphanage. Lets be real, he is 13 yrs. the orphanage, even sick, he has lots of kids around him to talk to. Here he P. Aristilde was downloading a movie for the kids,  mainly for the boys. It was a karate kicking action packed thriller. Bummer to be a 13 yr. old boy hanging out with the old woman with that kind of entertainment  back on the home front.

Kervens can't walk by himself now. His leg muscles are like jello and buckle under him. Yesterday even his head was wobbly. Today his neck seems alot stronger. Last night I put a chair in the shower for him-got everything he would need and then acting as a crutch was able to get him into the chair. He was on his own for the rest. After he was done and I had him back in bed, I went to clean up the shower things. I freaked when I saw what I thought was Kervens toothbrush floating in the nasty shower water- What a relief to find it was just an old toothbrush, probably used to clean with, and Kervens was rolled neatly up with his dirty underwear-geez...boys.

Kervens rolled arouond on his bed alot in the night. I woke him up once because he was having a bad dream. Took him to the restroom at 4am and gave him ibuprophen because he said his back hurt. He then slept like a baby for the next 4 rolling around....

Eddy kknocked a hole in the concrete wall yesterday in our bedroom and put in a new airconditioner. This helped Kervens last night sleep more comfortable and me too if the truth be known.  I want to interject something here for Toby....I know why Diego was in our lives prepare us for Kervens. He ate 10 normal pancakes and 2 poptarts for breakfast...any chance for more overtime????Also I have been craving peaches since I got here...hmmmm......strange.

I truly believe what Kervens is experiencing is some left over juck from the spinal tap...His back hurts where he was stuck and even the new problem with the muscles I think could be stemming from the spinal tap. Please someone with medical knowledge let me know if this is possible, I am not a doctor, just a mom with a hunch...Tomorrow Kervens is going to see a physical theriapist that Cathy has lined up and after that he is heading back to the orphanage to try and attend school. I know he has missed a week of school, but I think he is going back to soon....Again, just a mom hunch.....

I am not sure how long I am here for, that depends on when someone is heading back to Port Au Prince...We are not in Kansas anymore such thing as a  20 minute trip to the airport. What is helping Kervens the most right  now is your prayers going up. I think for the most part wer totally underestimate the power of prayer. We pray douobting that God will really hear us...Oh the mighty things we miss out on because we pray without truly believing....I read to Kervens out of my 'Streams in the dessert" devotional last night before we went to bed after talking about all he had been going thru. It was the Nov. 5th one if you have the book. It was titled 'Is there anything too hard for Jehovah" Gen 18:14  It talked of how we hinder Gods working in our lives because of doubting prayer. It was perfect for last night....for Kervens and for me.....

Last minute update. Just found out that Kervens will be staying with me for a few more days....P. Aristilde also thinks it alittle quick to return to school...sorry kervens...:)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Heading back to Haiti....

I have said since before I left for Haiti a few weeks ago, I don't know how this story is all going to end and I still don't. What I know is that God is still moving and working and hearing and answering prayers. I am leaving Indiana tomorrow night heading back into Haiti....Why did He connect my heart with this young boy....I don't know...but He did and He is going to teach many things thru Kervens I am convinced. I am so ready to go back....that in itself is of God. The fact that I have a husband and children totally supportive of this is also of God. He provided the money to go one week before I knew I was even going. I serve such an amazing God and I so trust Him....I don't even ask Him any more why or what is around the corner...but it seems I just move thru each day now just trusting that God has it and He will reveal to my heart those things He wants me to understand , when He wants me to understand them.

Kervens is still having serious issues and I will get to help with his care. So many things happening now that is totally of the Lord and when time permits I hope to share with all of you who are reading this. Some will understand it and some won't but through all of it, my prayer is that God gains all the glory and that those of you who do not have a personal relationship with Christ might come to know Him.

I am thankful that God has given to me the family He has. I am thankful for a daughter whose gift is to be able to put together travel plans at a drop of a hat. Thank you Britt. I love you.....I am thankful for a hardworking husband who has always permitted me to do those things that I have felt God laying on my heart to do, for allowing me to continually keep filling our home up with children from every walk of life. I could have only been married to you.  I am thankful for Ava, and Hudson, and Emma.....been praying for you for a very long time. Bri, I take with me what you have taught me...firm but sweet. Matt you have no idea the place I continue to pray you to and WHEN it happens, just know it was a mamas prayer. 

Now I leave asking those that read, to pray ...for safe travel, wisdom, and Kervens full recovery. I am still convinced God has an amazing plan for this young mans life. I consider it a privilege that God is allowing my family to be a small part of it if only for a season.....

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our final day and what a day...

I don't know how long or short this will be tonight....I'm tired and emotionally drained, but I shall write until I run out of words. Jan R. I know you will understand that. We arrived at the orphanage this morning to find my guy Kervens very ill. In fact they thought at one point last night that they had lost him. He was struggling to breathe and his neck was stiff and he hurt all over. I am not an emotional person, but when I saw him like that I realized the depth of my love for him because the emotion surfaced very quickly. A decision was made, the nurse was called and pastor A. carried Kervens to the truck. I drove, Cathy directed and Sean rode in the back seat holding Kervens head up. After we arrived Sean carried him in and as soon as the nurses saw his stiff neck they called a doctor and began to treat him for meningitis. I told sean before anything was ever said that it looked like Meningitis as I had already been down this road with Brianne a few years back. The IV was put in, the antibotics were started and I prayed. Cathy and Sean went to the hospital for the Antibotics that was not on hand and I stayed behind and watched them care for Kervens. I didn't realize until after listening for awhile that the home we were in was the home of the couple that wanted to adopt Kervens. The nurses that are in the country working and teaching are working out of this home or staying there. Still not sure I have all of that figured out. What I do know, is that I had pre judged a family for wanting Kervens and then not taking him. The truth be told, they are an amazing family and I did not have all of the story. I could tell right away that this woman, who also loves Kervens, and I could be kindred spirits. I felt that, and I was so thankful to an amazing God for putting Kervens with a woman who loves him as much as I do, in an area and home he is familiar with for the next seven days to be cared for and medicine to be given to him. I look at it as Kervens is a pretty blessed boy to have 3 mothers who love and care for him,,, myself, C.B. and Madame A. Thank you for all those prayers that went up today. In a situation like that you truly realize we have nothing or no one but the Lord. I had to continually say to my self, I trust you Lord with all of this....I choose this day to trust you no matter the outcome....

On our way home, a man was hit on a mope head by a bus and was lying dead in the street. It was a mess and unlike home, here the crowd gathers around and the cars drive on by it...I looked out my window and right there beside me he laid in a pool of blood...All I could think was, 'where is his soul right now?'

We went back to the orphanage and washed the sheets that Kervens had been in contact with. I want to interject here that during this very scary time in the middle of the night with Kervens, Pastor A. at 1am woke up every child in the orphanage and had them all pray for Kervens. What a visual lesson this man is teaching these children about prayer. I wish all of you reading this could meet him if you haven't already, truly a remarkable man, a godly man. We found out thru a phone call from a Doctor that anyone who had been within 3 feet of Kervens needed to take a precautionary antibotic, cepro. Back to town we went for Cathy to purchase the medicine for 65 people to take, Kervens is a pretty popular guy....we ran by the house to pick up the cake and then back to the orphanage for a birthday party for 12 of them. (Please don't ever ask yourself what a missionary's wife does all day) Around 5 pm we said our goodbyes,and pulled away leaving the children crying. Those of you that have been here totally know what I am talking about.....We went back to say goodbye to Kervens. I hugged his other adopted mom and thanked her for caring for him, gave him a final kiss goodbye and  then off to Rodney and Cathy's house.

I know that I love this place more this time than I did in April. I said in a testimony time last night, "I don't know how this story is all going to end, but I sense God's moving and I am watching....I am grateful too because Emily, who I have been praying so long about this trip for, said she will leave here never to be the same. Who knows how her life might be changed as a result of all of this. She has amazed me with her work ethic, her ability to just go with the flo, in a group of people she had never met before. She bonded with kids, truly bonded, thinking not of herself at all but of them and I watched her moved to tears last night and tonight as we said our goodbyes. I will mark this down in the future as one of my best memories... I am proud of all three of our teenagers, they worked hard, and never complained. What a strange mixture of people we were...put together by an all knowing God and for what future purpose, I do not know....But I am confident in the fact that there is a purpose......

Sunday, October 23, 2011

All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags....

I sat in the service today praising God in my heart for where I was at and for the beautiful children that surrounded me. I praised Him for His goodness and for not only allowing me to visit once but twice. I praised Him for allowing my niece Emily to be there sitting next to me, something a year ago I wouldn't even have begun to imagine.Yet as I sat there, I thought about the country of Haiti-about the trash and the smell and it's state of decay that is everywhere-hot, dusty and dirty and the Lord brought to my mind Isaiah 64:6, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags...And in an instant, I realized that all of my righteousness must look like to the Lord what Haiti looks like to me...A very sobering thought...and for the first time I visually meditated on that verse.

Every day I thank God for what Christ did for me upon that cross. As we drive down the roads here in Haiti and I watch the beggars and the people sitting along the sides of the road doing what they can to survive day by day, it reminds me of Romans 8:36. "As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long: we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Not only are they living in hopeless conditions, but they are spiritually in a hopeless condition. I am very thankful for the ministry God has given to Rodney and for Rodney's willingness to do what God has commanded his heart to do here in the land of Haiti. But green grass and clean roadsides in america don't make our spiritual condition any different than those here in Haiti. Our abundance just camouflages it...Whereever God has planted us, just like Rodney, we too have a ministry... to tell others about the gospel of Christ...Again I stand ashamed....

We brought several of the children back home with us for lunch today. ( we had CHICKEN) I think we put Moises in a food coma...his little belly was so tight and he said it hurt and then within two to three minutes he was out...Judley said he had it coming for eating so much. I think Judley and I are going to be lifetime buddies. We gave all the kids showers while they were here. For many of them it was no doubt the first time to be in a shower. They girls just smiled and giggled. I got in the shower and bathed the girls ( and washed my clothes at the same time) and Julie dried them off. Sean and Jarrod helped shower the boys.

Everyone but Martha and me went with Cathy to take Samuel to the clinic to check on his medical progress and to take the children back home to the oprhanage. They said he looked better than his last visit. Again praise the Lord!

I can't belive tomorrow is our last day :(  The children have school to 1pm and after we are having a birthday party for several who have birthdays from June thru Oct.  I plan on bleaching and cleaning the out houses as one of my last projects...Connnie if you are reading this, I know this outhouse fetish goes back to our childhood days...guess what????I still enjoy cleaning outhouses...wierd eh? I know this place would never understand it if I put a vase of flowers in there and hung a picture on the wall, although I know you would understand it completely. hmmmm......         (Jen, just wait till you hear about em's experience with this, hilarious and I keep laughing even thinking about it) We have so many stories and fond memories to share with all of you. Britt can you start planning the next trip??? Love you all........

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Interesting Day...

Often times movies begin at the end and then take you back in time to tell you the rest of the story. That is how I will begin the end...

We returned home tonight in Rodney's little white truck-the one with the mini truck bed in the back that holds two comfortably. We had five people back there-Ryan, Sean, Jarrod, Emily, myself, a goat and one blue cooler, our drink cooler and several of our bags. Back up- yes I did say goat, our gift from the orphanage for all that we did... When I first saw this little thing bound and laying on its side in the middle of the yard, my first thought was' Wow it must be in some serious trouble for something". WRONG! It was to be our next meal. The problem I created for myself was simply this...I got to know the goat personally on the way home-removing some of the ropes, watering it, petting it and finally giving it a name, IGA. Iwas scarred early in life being forced by my parents to eat a pet pig and from that momet on, I made a vow never to eat anything that I have a personal connection too, Including IGA.

The rest of the day was great! We met with attorney from Porte Prince. Cathy, Angela and Emily stenciled the girls room. All the beds are back in the rooms complete with new sheets and pillows. As I was coming thru the boys room I found one of the young men standing there just rubbing his pilow...Oh the little things we take for granted each day...Shame on us. The men and Martha painted the last room and Martha made a craft with the children...No trip would ever be complete with out Martha and I sincerely mean that.

All of us ladies took a trip down town today to purchase pillows, washtubs, one shovel, one pick and a rake. The town looked like opening day at Mansfield...good news- nobody got robbed, ran over, or left and I am truly indebted to Cathy for taking us on this once in a lifetime adventure!!!

On our way to the oprhanage this morning the van lost all of its brake fluid which lift Sean driving with brakes that went all the way to the floor when you pushed in on them. Britt you would have been so proud of him; He did wonderful!

Pastor A. and his wife continually amaze me with their care and love for all these children and their goodness to us. I would love to spend a longer period  of time with them down here in the future. My prayer now is that God would open the doors in the near future for them to be guests in my home so that I could return to them the gracious hospitality that they have shown to us. It is a rare thing to find such selfless people in the world today...people who give 110% of themselves day after day...I have been blessed to have gotten to know them...

Friday, October 21, 2011

A full day....

We been here now for two days and even tho my husband and children are back in Indiana, I am in no hurry to go home. I feel very much at home right here. I find this alittle odd considering 6 weeks ago I was home sick already just thinking about this trip. Somewhere along the way, God changed my heart and I don't even know when it happened....

Today we got alot accomplished I think...the ophanage received a new coat of paint, turquiose for the girls side and McDonalds or as Emily says, a Texas orange for the boys. I told Cathy we should stencil french frys and Big Mac's on the walls. When we arrived early this morning the beds had all been moved to the yard and the floors were being mopped in preparation for the walls being painted. The children were still in school and while we worked we could hear them singing. I have only been here one time and yet I feel as if I have known these littles for a much longer time. While we ladies painted, Ryan and Jarrod worked on putting up the clothesline and Sean helped Rodney make new benches for the church because of the growth. Several projects were started and finished today and we are very tired tonight.

Tomorrow we are going into town to purchase pillows, washtubs, a pick and shovel. When we get back to the orphanage some are going to work on stenciling walls, others are painting one more back room and others yet are moving in the beds, putting on new sheets along with pillows and pillowcases. It should be a full day.

We traveled today to another orphanage that Cathy's friend Jan has started. So many beautiful children there too. Shortly after arriving, I saw Ryan with a new little girl in his arms. I told him he was only allowed one child per trip to Haiti. They are just so easy to fall in love with.....We also met a German couple who runs an orphanage not far from Pastor A. who have been unsuccessfully trying for a very long time to be licensed. One more confirmation for me that God is so in all of this. He keeps weaving this taperstry of people and places together and I know when He is finished, it will be beautiful.

Before I left home I grabbed George Muellers autobiography to read on the plane. Also by God's design I think...You know his sole purpose for starting the orphanages in Bristol was so that God could gain all the glory thru others  watching these children be provided for with out Mr. Mueller asking for a single handout from anyone. He prayed for everything,... for every need,....for every morsel of bread. His faith grew and God was continually glorified....As I am watching all of this unfold before me, my faith also continues to grow and I am burdened to pray more fervently for the needs of this orphanage and for my role in all of this. My desire, like that of Geoge Muellers is to above all else to see God glorified.....

We have arrived...

We arrived safely with no major malfunctions at all. We made the trip from the airport straight into the arms of 45 little Haitians with lots of smiling faces. The orphanage has had major changes and I was so impressed. The wall is finished, the gates are up and the little building is up for the orphanage to sell pure water each day, starting at 7AM to the community surrounding this orphanage. There is finally vegetation within the gates and Kervens proudly took me around the grounds to show me what all had been planted. He has a garden with okra growing in it. I felt like a proud mama....

Britt they all kept asking where you and Bri were at. We showed pictures of Issac and explained about the upcoming baby and wedding. To Jarrods parents, you have raised up a truly amazing young man who  has been Seans right hand man with the packing and unpacking of lots of heavy heavy lugguage. I will travel with this young man anytime to any place. You should be very proud of him. Emily has been taking in all the sites and has bonded with several of the little ones already. Sean and Anna completely surrounded by the kiddos and I took lots of pictures.

We have eaten and are going back to our rooms early tonight. Luggage to still be unloaded and much needed showers to take. I will have more to say tomorrow. Linda, if you read this, I thought Ava was small, but today I held alittle baby 3months old who weighed only 4 1/2 pounds. Bones with skin was all....Toby if they can get him into riley in Indy, I said we would take him while he was in the states, I know that wouldn't surprise you much. :) Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How faithful our God....

I thought I knew yesterday morning what I would say on my first blog, but as the day progressed, God redirected my heart  and my thoughts away from me and on to Him instead... 

I am never surprised by what God can do, HE IS GOD, but I always always stand in awe of what He does.  My God is always faithful...He hears my prayers and He continually shows me He is here, that He is so real....

Two weeks ago, I sent out an email to several people with a list of items for projects that were on my heart from my first trip into Haiti back in April. I prayed over this letter believing God would answer,  and answer He did. I went to bed last night thinking of Eph. 3:20, "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." You see God even answered my secret prayer, the one I never listed in that letter...And I stand in Awe!

Much of my first trip was spent hugging children, passing out snacks, but mainly I just observed....I was not surprised by the living conditions of Haiti, it was like I had pictured it in my mind after hearing the stories of those that had gone there before me. The layout of the ophanage was different than what I had pictured in my mind, but mostly everything else was  just as my minds eye had seen it. The workers do the laundry for all the orphans in shallow dishpans held between their knees and then lay them out on the rocks to dry, and they
have one 5 gallon bucket that they use to carry water from the well across to where they sit to wash the clothes. It is a long long process....Each little bed has one sheet on it, no pillows, no cover sheet or blanket. Since the laundry is such an ordeal, the sheet on these beds only get washed once every several weeks. Some of the children are bedwetters....and the air is hot and dusty and there is no doors or windows on the concrete building that houses their beds.

My hearts desire is not to see them Americanized, but simply to see them moved ahead into at least my grandmother's generation, where, quite frankly, many times I would like to see us move back to.....clotheslines instead of rocks for drying clothes, (although my grandmother removed some of her toughest stains by laying them in the grass. Unfortunately there is no grass at the ophanage, only dirt and rocks.) and washtubs, in place of shallow dishpans. I want to see at least one more sheet for each bed so they can be changed more often, and pillows to lay their little heads on each night. I have a desire to see a garden at this orphange. Maybe it is because I am a gardener and nothing makes me happier than to dig my hands into dirt, to plant and watch it grow, and to enjoy the fruits of my labor during the harvest months. We live in a country where food is readily available, they do not. I was told that under those rocks and top layer of dirt, there is good soil...the problem is the one shovel they have is broke in half...not the handle but the shovel part. I want to see them have a shovel that is able to do what it was design to do, dig.

My secret prayer was simply see an abundance of money come in...that would not only buy the shovel, washtubs, pillows, and fans but to have enough left over to pay the 12 teachers that continually come to the ophanage to teach. By the time the basic needs are meet for the children, there is no money left to pay the teachers. Yet they continue to teach, hoping someday the money will be there. Cathy told me a good wage for a teacher would be $100 a month. I don't know a teacher anywhere in this country that would teach for $100 a week let alone a month. So that was my prayer...and God has faithfully answered it. Late into last night the calls continued to come in to let me know that checks had been mailed and  the amounts  they were for and I went to bed praising God, for He never fails...

Now I want to simply say thank you to each of you who gave...of yourselves and of your time and money. What you allowed God to do through you will help people whom most of you will never meet and my prayer for you is this......That God will bless each of you.... 'abundantly above all that you could ask or think'....