Monday, November 7, 2011

But Mary Kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart...Luke 2:19

This verse ran thru my mind this afternoon when we got back from the therapist and the orphanage. There is so much going on in my heart right now... I am still processing it in my mind. I can't even put alot of it into words yet, at least into words that would make sense to anyone reading this...maybe after I am through with the processing part. So for now, I too am keeping all these things and pondering them in my heart....

The therapist was not sure what was wrong with Kervens...He said there is strength in his legs but it is like a misfire between his brain and his legs right now. HE has Kervens walking with a walker and he gave him a list of exercises todo each day. Even by afternoon Kervens could see a difference in his walking ability. He still has to think to make his knee lock into place with each step. He never complains or shows discouragement with what he is going thru . He is in a bed across the room from me asleep. He is quite a young man and we had an opportunity to talk this afternoon more seriously than we normally do. I keep trying to learn more about him, about his past and the path that God has had him on that lead him straight into my path. I shared with him about Diego, Drew and Issac, about Chase, the Angricks and the Rangers and of course the Roberts. We talked about the network of people God has already placed in his life in his very short 13 yrs. Again such a tapestry...

I have been praying for the last couple of weeks that God would bring Kervens to us quickly- but instead He chose to bring me back here. It is I who still has so much to learn...One thing I am beginning to realize as I listen and observe is the need to quit praying for God to bring him to us quickly and start praying 'in your perfect time Lord'. Haitis is Kervens home by God's design and the path He has had Kervens on  has brought many people into his life. People whom he has bonded with and whom he has grown to love very very much...Pastor and Madame Aristilde are at the very tip top of that list. He has close sibling ties to those children that live with him in the orphanage. To pray quickly would be to rip or tear him apart from those bonds...but Gods perfect time would be a gentle seperation, after heart and mind had been made ready to let go for what I am convinced will only be for a season.

This week I have witnessed God's answer to a specific prayer...I know He is here with me. He is teaching me and in the long quiet hours in my room I am finding time to read, pray and time for meditation...I am finding time to write...something that should make my hussband extremely happy. No phones, or tv's or computers( until much later tonight when I blog what I am writing right now)... there is no house to clean or laundry to do...just time....time for some soul searching aloneness with God.

Last night, I read the following and felt it perfect to share with you now.

"These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and Hedges: there they dwelt with the King for His work." 1 Chronicles 4:23

  Anywhere and everywhere we may "dwell" with the king for his work. We may be in a very unlikely and unfavorable place for this: it may be in a literal country life, with little enough to be seen of the 'goings' of the King around us; it may be among the hedges of all sorts, hindrances in all directions; it may be furthermore, with our hands full of all manner of pottery for our daily task.
  No Matter! The King who placed us 'there' will come and dwell there with us; the hedges are right, or He would soon do away with them. And it does not follow that whata seems to hinder our way may not be for its very protection; and as for the pottery, why, that is just exactly what He has seen fit to put into our hand, and therefore it is, for the present, "His Work"

   Go back to thy garden-plot, sweetheart!
      Go back to the evening falls,
   And bind thy lilies and train thy vines,
      Till for thee the Master calls.

   Go make thy garden fair as thou canst,
      Thou workest never alone;
   Perhaps he whose plot is next to thine
      Will see it and mend his own"

The colored sunsets and starry heavens, the beautiful mouontains and the shining seas, the fragrant woods and painted flowers, are not half so beautiful as a soul that is serving Jesus out of love, in the wear and tear of common, unpoetic life.

We truly serve an amazing God.....

UPDATE: I just returned a few moments ago from an unexpected run with Cathy back to the orphanage. A young boy around the age of 7 was just dropped off at Rodney and Cathys house. His father has died, his mom is dying and he has been taken away from a grandmother that was not caring for him. Madame Aristilde has once again opened her heart and home and has taken in yet another child. We left him a heap at her feet crying. This was a very hard night on Cathy...she has made a decision altimately for his good, he is just to young to understand this. I whispered to Kervens, " You are going to have to build a big orphanage," as that is what God has laid on his heart to do...He replied, "It just keeps getting bigger".....

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, I love how you can draw a picture with your words. You express things so well and each and every one of us can feel everything your seeing and doing thru your words. I love that you are there, and are able to see and enjoy your time with Kervens. That bond will only grow more each day. I truly believe this was gods plan all along!! cherish it.
    Love ya,
