Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am here....

Saturday...............I am here. The trip from PortAu Prince to Gonaive took longer than the trip from the states to Haiti. I was anxious to get Kervens here with me-but I am not so sure tonight he was as anxious to leave the orphanage. Lets be real, he is 13 yrs. the orphanage, even sick, he has lots of kids around him to talk to. Here he P. Aristilde was downloading a movie for the kids,  mainly for the boys. It was a karate kicking action packed thriller. Bummer to be a 13 yr. old boy hanging out with the old woman with that kind of entertainment  back on the home front.

Kervens can't walk by himself now. His leg muscles are like jello and buckle under him. Yesterday even his head was wobbly. Today his neck seems alot stronger. Last night I put a chair in the shower for him-got everything he would need and then acting as a crutch was able to get him into the chair. He was on his own for the rest. After he was done and I had him back in bed, I went to clean up the shower things. I freaked when I saw what I thought was Kervens toothbrush floating in the nasty shower water- What a relief to find it was just an old toothbrush, probably used to clean with, and Kervens was rolled neatly up with his dirty underwear-geez...boys.

Kervens rolled arouond on his bed alot in the night. I woke him up once because he was having a bad dream. Took him to the restroom at 4am and gave him ibuprophen because he said his back hurt. He then slept like a baby for the next 4 rolling around....

Eddy kknocked a hole in the concrete wall yesterday in our bedroom and put in a new airconditioner. This helped Kervens last night sleep more comfortable and me too if the truth be known.  I want to interject something here for Toby....I know why Diego was in our lives prepare us for Kervens. He ate 10 normal pancakes and 2 poptarts for breakfast...any chance for more overtime????Also I have been craving peaches since I got here...hmmmm......strange.

I truly believe what Kervens is experiencing is some left over juck from the spinal tap...His back hurts where he was stuck and even the new problem with the muscles I think could be stemming from the spinal tap. Please someone with medical knowledge let me know if this is possible, I am not a doctor, just a mom with a hunch...Tomorrow Kervens is going to see a physical theriapist that Cathy has lined up and after that he is heading back to the orphanage to try and attend school. I know he has missed a week of school, but I think he is going back to soon....Again, just a mom hunch.....

I am not sure how long I am here for, that depends on when someone is heading back to Port Au Prince...We are not in Kansas anymore such thing as a  20 minute trip to the airport. What is helping Kervens the most right  now is your prayers going up. I think for the most part wer totally underestimate the power of prayer. We pray douobting that God will really hear us...Oh the mighty things we miss out on because we pray without truly believing....I read to Kervens out of my 'Streams in the dessert" devotional last night before we went to bed after talking about all he had been going thru. It was the Nov. 5th one if you have the book. It was titled 'Is there anything too hard for Jehovah" Gen 18:14  It talked of how we hinder Gods working in our lives because of doubting prayer. It was perfect for last night....for Kervens and for me.....

Last minute update. Just found out that Kervens will be staying with me for a few more days....P. Aristilde also thinks it alittle quick to return to school...sorry kervens...:)


  1. Tell Kervens we TOTALLY understand the disappointment =]

  2. oh britt, i laughed at your comment :). an opportunity you just couldn't pass up :)

    care bear, email if you get no medical (spinal tap) information and I'll see if I can find anything....

    love you much!!!
