Sunday, October 23, 2011

All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags....

I sat in the service today praising God in my heart for where I was at and for the beautiful children that surrounded me. I praised Him for His goodness and for not only allowing me to visit once but twice. I praised Him for allowing my niece Emily to be there sitting next to me, something a year ago I wouldn't even have begun to imagine.Yet as I sat there, I thought about the country of Haiti-about the trash and the smell and it's state of decay that is everywhere-hot, dusty and dirty and the Lord brought to my mind Isaiah 64:6, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags...And in an instant, I realized that all of my righteousness must look like to the Lord what Haiti looks like to me...A very sobering thought...and for the first time I visually meditated on that verse.

Every day I thank God for what Christ did for me upon that cross. As we drive down the roads here in Haiti and I watch the beggars and the people sitting along the sides of the road doing what they can to survive day by day, it reminds me of Romans 8:36. "As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long: we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Not only are they living in hopeless conditions, but they are spiritually in a hopeless condition. I am very thankful for the ministry God has given to Rodney and for Rodney's willingness to do what God has commanded his heart to do here in the land of Haiti. But green grass and clean roadsides in america don't make our spiritual condition any different than those here in Haiti. Our abundance just camouflages it...Whereever God has planted us, just like Rodney, we too have a ministry... to tell others about the gospel of Christ...Again I stand ashamed....

We brought several of the children back home with us for lunch today. ( we had CHICKEN) I think we put Moises in a food coma...his little belly was so tight and he said it hurt and then within two to three minutes he was out...Judley said he had it coming for eating so much. I think Judley and I are going to be lifetime buddies. We gave all the kids showers while they were here. For many of them it was no doubt the first time to be in a shower. They girls just smiled and giggled. I got in the shower and bathed the girls ( and washed my clothes at the same time) and Julie dried them off. Sean and Jarrod helped shower the boys.

Everyone but Martha and me went with Cathy to take Samuel to the clinic to check on his medical progress and to take the children back home to the oprhanage. They said he looked better than his last visit. Again praise the Lord!

I can't belive tomorrow is our last day :(  The children have school to 1pm and after we are having a birthday party for several who have birthdays from June thru Oct.  I plan on bleaching and cleaning the out houses as one of my last projects...Connnie if you are reading this, I know this outhouse fetish goes back to our childhood days...guess what????I still enjoy cleaning outhouses...wierd eh? I know this place would never understand it if I put a vase of flowers in there and hung a picture on the wall, although I know you would understand it completely. hmmmm......         (Jen, just wait till you hear about em's experience with this, hilarious and I keep laughing even thinking about it) We have so many stories and fond memories to share with all of you. Britt can you start planning the next trip??? Love you all........


  1. Hey mom--cracking up at Moises--Sean said he got a stomache ache! I am so, so, so ready to hear the details of all the stories so please don't forget!!!

    I called Connie and read her your part about the outhouses--she cracked up! She said if she were there you would have a competition! Can't wait to here about Emily =]

    Went over to make dad lunch and clean up a bit--he is working tonight too....he is a little tired!

    Everything else is going well here--miss you guys!!!

  2. i too am so thankful for Christ's work on the cross. He cleaned us up good, once and for all! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :) please give emisson a long hug from me....
