Thursday, November 3, 2011

Heading back to Haiti....

I have said since before I left for Haiti a few weeks ago, I don't know how this story is all going to end and I still don't. What I know is that God is still moving and working and hearing and answering prayers. I am leaving Indiana tomorrow night heading back into Haiti....Why did He connect my heart with this young boy....I don't know...but He did and He is going to teach many things thru Kervens I am convinced. I am so ready to go back....that in itself is of God. The fact that I have a husband and children totally supportive of this is also of God. He provided the money to go one week before I knew I was even going. I serve such an amazing God and I so trust Him....I don't even ask Him any more why or what is around the corner...but it seems I just move thru each day now just trusting that God has it and He will reveal to my heart those things He wants me to understand , when He wants me to understand them.

Kervens is still having serious issues and I will get to help with his care. So many things happening now that is totally of the Lord and when time permits I hope to share with all of you who are reading this. Some will understand it and some won't but through all of it, my prayer is that God gains all the glory and that those of you who do not have a personal relationship with Christ might come to know Him.

I am thankful that God has given to me the family He has. I am thankful for a daughter whose gift is to be able to put together travel plans at a drop of a hat. Thank you Britt. I love you.....I am thankful for a hardworking husband who has always permitted me to do those things that I have felt God laying on my heart to do, for allowing me to continually keep filling our home up with children from every walk of life. I could have only been married to you.  I am thankful for Ava, and Hudson, and Emma.....been praying for you for a very long time. Bri, I take with me what you have taught me...firm but sweet. Matt you have no idea the place I continue to pray you to and WHEN it happens, just know it was a mamas prayer. 

Now I leave asking those that read, to pray ...for safe travel, wisdom, and Kervens full recovery. I am still convinced God has an amazing plan for this young mans life. I consider it a privilege that God is allowing my family to be a small part of it if only for a season.....


  1. I love you Carrie!

  2. Godspeed, care bear. please let me know if i can do anything, in addition to praying. so hopeful that your conversation with beth gives you a piece of puzzle that you will need. xoxoxo
