Monday, October 24, 2011

Our final day and what a day...

I don't know how long or short this will be tonight....I'm tired and emotionally drained, but I shall write until I run out of words. Jan R. I know you will understand that. We arrived at the orphanage this morning to find my guy Kervens very ill. In fact they thought at one point last night that they had lost him. He was struggling to breathe and his neck was stiff and he hurt all over. I am not an emotional person, but when I saw him like that I realized the depth of my love for him because the emotion surfaced very quickly. A decision was made, the nurse was called and pastor A. carried Kervens to the truck. I drove, Cathy directed and Sean rode in the back seat holding Kervens head up. After we arrived Sean carried him in and as soon as the nurses saw his stiff neck they called a doctor and began to treat him for meningitis. I told sean before anything was ever said that it looked like Meningitis as I had already been down this road with Brianne a few years back. The IV was put in, the antibotics were started and I prayed. Cathy and Sean went to the hospital for the Antibotics that was not on hand and I stayed behind and watched them care for Kervens. I didn't realize until after listening for awhile that the home we were in was the home of the couple that wanted to adopt Kervens. The nurses that are in the country working and teaching are working out of this home or staying there. Still not sure I have all of that figured out. What I do know, is that I had pre judged a family for wanting Kervens and then not taking him. The truth be told, they are an amazing family and I did not have all of the story. I could tell right away that this woman, who also loves Kervens, and I could be kindred spirits. I felt that, and I was so thankful to an amazing God for putting Kervens with a woman who loves him as much as I do, in an area and home he is familiar with for the next seven days to be cared for and medicine to be given to him. I look at it as Kervens is a pretty blessed boy to have 3 mothers who love and care for him,,, myself, C.B. and Madame A. Thank you for all those prayers that went up today. In a situation like that you truly realize we have nothing or no one but the Lord. I had to continually say to my self, I trust you Lord with all of this....I choose this day to trust you no matter the outcome....

On our way home, a man was hit on a mope head by a bus and was lying dead in the street. It was a mess and unlike home, here the crowd gathers around and the cars drive on by it...I looked out my window and right there beside me he laid in a pool of blood...All I could think was, 'where is his soul right now?'

We went back to the orphanage and washed the sheets that Kervens had been in contact with. I want to interject here that during this very scary time in the middle of the night with Kervens, Pastor A. at 1am woke up every child in the orphanage and had them all pray for Kervens. What a visual lesson this man is teaching these children about prayer. I wish all of you reading this could meet him if you haven't already, truly a remarkable man, a godly man. We found out thru a phone call from a Doctor that anyone who had been within 3 feet of Kervens needed to take a precautionary antibotic, cepro. Back to town we went for Cathy to purchase the medicine for 65 people to take, Kervens is a pretty popular guy....we ran by the house to pick up the cake and then back to the orphanage for a birthday party for 12 of them. (Please don't ever ask yourself what a missionary's wife does all day) Around 5 pm we said our goodbyes,and pulled away leaving the children crying. Those of you that have been here totally know what I am talking about.....We went back to say goodbye to Kervens. I hugged his other adopted mom and thanked her for caring for him, gave him a final kiss goodbye and  then off to Rodney and Cathy's house.

I know that I love this place more this time than I did in April. I said in a testimony time last night, "I don't know how this story is all going to end, but I sense God's moving and I am watching....I am grateful too because Emily, who I have been praying so long about this trip for, said she will leave here never to be the same. Who knows how her life might be changed as a result of all of this. She has amazed me with her work ethic, her ability to just go with the flo, in a group of people she had never met before. She bonded with kids, truly bonded, thinking not of herself at all but of them and I watched her moved to tears last night and tonight as we said our goodbyes. I will mark this down in the future as one of my best memories... I am proud of all three of our teenagers, they worked hard, and never complained. What a strange mixture of people we were...put together by an all knowing God and for what future purpose, I do not know....But I am confident in the fact that there is a purpose......


  1. oh care heart hurt so much today for kervens. for me, there are very few things more scary than having your child sick in a third world country. BUT God is God and He can heal regardless of where a child is. so incredibly grateful that it was His will to not take him home yet. but at least we know where kervens soul would be going, unlike the man in the road. you are right, the Lord knows exactly the tapestry He is ways we could never ever come up with. because He is God and exceeds EVERYTHING. Godspeed in your travels home....

  2. mom--you have manage to both bri and i bawl our eyes out...I am not sure either what the purpose is, but we both know that He gives it to us one piece at a time and then somehow along the way, it really does start to make a beautiful picture. I have mixed emotions about seeing you and sean tomorrow...I really want you to come home, but in the same breath, I really want you to still be there with the kids. I know that God is watching them and has put them in tremendous hands, but I just wish we were there all the time with them. Praying that God gives you the rest you need tonight and we are all still very much in prayer for the kids and especially kervins. We love you and will see you tomorrow night...
