Thursday, November 10, 2011

Back to Square one....

Since my last update things have started happening again. Last night was Kervens first night back at the orphanage and we ended up traveling out there late last night because Kervens was seizing again. This is the first time I actually have witnessed these seizures and my heart is breaking in two. I have prayed and cried and rubbed his little body and prayed and cried some more. The medical team that is here that are such a huge part of Kervens life was also called in....This morning as I am arriving here, I have learned he is seizing again this morning. I prayed before I left my room this morning that God might be glorified thru myself and Kervens today....I have no idea what lies ahead of me in the next few hours....but I  am heading out in complete faith that God has this day and all of us in it....

1 comment:

  1. oh care bear. i wish i knew how to help figure out what is going on with sweet boy. i've been praying that the Lord will fill you totally up with powerful discernment! i called and talked with britt and hoping you can blog with an update soon. only one more day of blessed beach time and heading home. and then i'm not leaving for a long, long, long time :) at least unless God says otherwise :)
