Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It has been a good day, Tues. blog on Wed. morning....

Kervens went to Therapy this morning aided by his walker and he left without it. In fact he was running, actually running around the concrete courtyard. Please keep in mind, at the same time yesterday, he was being held up just to get him into the home where the therapist was. now I know this guy is probably a very fine therapist, possibly one of the best...but...he is no miracle worker...What I have just witnessed is nothing short of a miracle and do know THAT Miracle Worker. I have been praying, along with several others that God would allow Kervens a full recovery...And He has.

Today I met Saidah(Si e dah)...She looks Haitian but is American and lives in Hawaii. She is 69 years old and is coming over here to help Madame B. (88yrs old) open a girls home. Saidah is a mighty prayer warrior...that is very obvious, and jan you would love love love her. She has been praying for young Samuel since she first met him a few weeks ago. Samuel is the little 4 1/2 lb baby who has the inoperatable brain tumor living at the orphanage. Saidah prays for a full recovery and believes with every ounce of her being that God is going to honor that prayer...Those are the kind of prayers I believe God DOES honor, those sent up to Him thru the blood of Christ with not a shred of doubt attached to them. Again, I believe, if time would permit, I have found yet another kindred spirit. Those people make my heart smile, just being around them gives me the feeling I am in the presense of a great man or woman of faith. Saidah went to the orphanage this morning to spend the day holding little Samuel and know doubt to send up a few more prayers for him. Kervens stayed there also to translate for Madame Aristilde and Saidah. Kervens' heart was singing too, based on the huge smile on his face, just to be back home, walking wherever he wanted without the aide of anyone or anything.

Tomorrow is one more therapy session for Kervens and quite possibly afterwards he will return back to the orphanage, back to school and back to a normal 13yr. old life. This is just one more chapter in this young mans amazing life. What a story... I hope God allows me to live long enough not to see how the story ends but to see where this journey continues to take him.....

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