Saturday, October 22, 2011

Interesting Day...

Often times movies begin at the end and then take you back in time to tell you the rest of the story. That is how I will begin the end...

We returned home tonight in Rodney's little white truck-the one with the mini truck bed in the back that holds two comfortably. We had five people back there-Ryan, Sean, Jarrod, Emily, myself, a goat and one blue cooler, our drink cooler and several of our bags. Back up- yes I did say goat, our gift from the orphanage for all that we did... When I first saw this little thing bound and laying on its side in the middle of the yard, my first thought was' Wow it must be in some serious trouble for something". WRONG! It was to be our next meal. The problem I created for myself was simply this...I got to know the goat personally on the way home-removing some of the ropes, watering it, petting it and finally giving it a name, IGA. Iwas scarred early in life being forced by my parents to eat a pet pig and from that momet on, I made a vow never to eat anything that I have a personal connection too, Including IGA.

The rest of the day was great! We met with attorney from Porte Prince. Cathy, Angela and Emily stenciled the girls room. All the beds are back in the rooms complete with new sheets and pillows. As I was coming thru the boys room I found one of the young men standing there just rubbing his pilow...Oh the little things we take for granted each day...Shame on us. The men and Martha painted the last room and Martha made a craft with the children...No trip would ever be complete with out Martha and I sincerely mean that.

All of us ladies took a trip down town today to purchase pillows, washtubs, one shovel, one pick and a rake. The town looked like opening day at Mansfield...good news- nobody got robbed, ran over, or left and I am truly indebted to Cathy for taking us on this once in a lifetime adventure!!!

On our way to the oprhanage this morning the van lost all of its brake fluid which lift Sean driving with brakes that went all the way to the floor when you pushed in on them. Britt you would have been so proud of him; He did wonderful!

Pastor A. and his wife continually amaze me with their care and love for all these children and their goodness to us. I would love to spend a longer period  of time with them down here in the future. My prayer now is that God would open the doors in the near future for them to be guests in my home so that I could return to them the gracious hospitality that they have shown to us. It is a rare thing to find such selfless people in the world today...people who give 110% of themselves day after day...I have been blessed to have gotten to know them...


  1. Crack me up!!!! How funny is that?!?!? Mom-Bri and I are on the couch literally laughing out loud because we can totally picture everything you just described!!!

    So, the question of the day was dinner ;) Did you really eat him???

    Heard you are playing games with Judeley--that makes me smile! Hope you are enjoying the rest of the kids...we are so sad that we are not there with them, so we are trusting you and sean are loving all over them! Bet the clothes line made your heart sing! How did the workers like the wash tubs? So much that we want to know so please make sure you take tons of pictures and remember every detail so we can hear all about it.

    love you!!!! Britt and Bri

  2. thanks for posting, carrie! i'm so jealous you're there and i'm here =] hug my girls for me and love on all those kiddos! ~kristin

  3. care bear, i am so sorry i haven't posted!!! i signed up to be your blog groupie/follower and it isn't posting to my google reader. wah! so i thought you weren't posting :) a blog with only one post :) it is after midnight and i decided to get up and come check the blog directly! you really are a blogger!!! yay!

    so happy to read all the happenings. God is getting the glory :) xoxoxoxoxo

  4. Well,I suppose now besides bringing home all the kids, you'll want to bring home the goat.sooo do I have to start deputation,you are coming home, right?downtown is a trip, isn't it?sounds like everyone is going to sleep good tonight, kids I mean,yea,,just got in from work, Connie &Shane are here,sounds like your in your element,hug my babies, love you,toby
