Friday, October 21, 2011

A full day....

We been here now for two days and even tho my husband and children are back in Indiana, I am in no hurry to go home. I feel very much at home right here. I find this alittle odd considering 6 weeks ago I was home sick already just thinking about this trip. Somewhere along the way, God changed my heart and I don't even know when it happened....

Today we got alot accomplished I think...the ophanage received a new coat of paint, turquiose for the girls side and McDonalds or as Emily says, a Texas orange for the boys. I told Cathy we should stencil french frys and Big Mac's on the walls. When we arrived early this morning the beds had all been moved to the yard and the floors were being mopped in preparation for the walls being painted. The children were still in school and while we worked we could hear them singing. I have only been here one time and yet I feel as if I have known these littles for a much longer time. While we ladies painted, Ryan and Jarrod worked on putting up the clothesline and Sean helped Rodney make new benches for the church because of the growth. Several projects were started and finished today and we are very tired tonight.

Tomorrow we are going into town to purchase pillows, washtubs, a pick and shovel. When we get back to the orphanage some are going to work on stenciling walls, others are painting one more back room and others yet are moving in the beds, putting on new sheets along with pillows and pillowcases. It should be a full day.

We traveled today to another orphanage that Cathy's friend Jan has started. So many beautiful children there too. Shortly after arriving, I saw Ryan with a new little girl in his arms. I told him he was only allowed one child per trip to Haiti. They are just so easy to fall in love with.....We also met a German couple who runs an orphanage not far from Pastor A. who have been unsuccessfully trying for a very long time to be licensed. One more confirmation for me that God is so in all of this. He keeps weaving this taperstry of people and places together and I know when He is finished, it will be beautiful.

Before I left home I grabbed George Muellers autobiography to read on the plane. Also by God's design I think...You know his sole purpose for starting the orphanages in Bristol was so that God could gain all the glory thru others  watching these children be provided for with out Mr. Mueller asking for a single handout from anyone. He prayed for everything,... for every need,....for every morsel of bread. His faith grew and God was continually glorified....As I am watching all of this unfold before me, my faith also continues to grow and I am burdened to pray more fervently for the needs of this orphanage and for my role in all of this. My desire, like that of Geoge Muellers is to above all else to see God glorified.....


  1. hi mama, loved reading about the updates...wish we were there with you. Britt and I can't wait to see all of the pictures. Sean told Britt that the orphanage has changed dramatically. I can't wait until we can go back in. Britt said that she is so excited to all that is being accomplished and she is very thankful it has been a good trip:) Please hug and kiss on Judeley for me and tell him that I love him. Also, hug on your other grand babies:) love you and can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Sounds like you are busy and having a great time. I am sure the garden made you happy. And yes you do have to come home!!! You know how I feel about Moises, give him a double helping! Hug Kervins for me--a big guy hug. Might have to get Sean in on that one. Wish I was there...hugs and kisses papa (toby)
